To make a place where great conversations happen.

The community is committed to maintaining a safe, welcoming, harassment-free environment for everyone. We do not tolerate harassment of community members in any form. Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately. 

This code of conduct applies to anyone who participates in a space affiliated with the Community, including our Slack as well as any network activities, events, and forums — both online and off.

What we want to be

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

We strive to promote an open exchange of ideas balanced by thoughtful guidelines. If we have only openness, community members subject to thoughtless or intentionally hurtful behaviour may withdraw or leave the community. We want to prevent that. On the other hand, overly intrusive guidelines may stifle communication or make people feel unwelcome. It’s up to every member to foster a culture that balances openness, honesty, and mutual respect.

It would be impossible to list everything you can do to help create a more welcoming space, and we know this community will find ways to include people that we’ve yet to consider. When in doubt, rely on the following principles:

  • Be humble, practice empathy and humility
  • Assume competence
  • Listen carefully and actively
  • Ask questions, and seek to understand context
  • Encourage other people to listen as much as they speak
  • Prioritise access for and input from those who are traditionally excluded from conversations about design, research, and technology

How to behave

Be excellent to one another

The following actions are against what the community is for.

  • Selling products or services, or event evangelism. If you want to discuss a specific product or service, please join the #product-and-services channel where you can promote or discuss products freely. For events or conferences that are not organised by community admins (see below), please join #conferences.
  • Surveying, canvassing, or offering promotions to community members. You may ask community members to take part in research in the #take-part-in-research channel only. Please contact a Slack admin (see below) before soliciting broad input or offering discounts to members.

No harassment, such as:

  • Unwelcome verbal or written comment or physical conduct that is so objectively offensive that it creates a hostile environment; when it is based on: race, religion, colour, sex (with or without sexual conduct and including pregnancy and sexual orientation involving transgender status/gender identity, and sex-stereotyping), national origin, age, disability, genetic information, parental status, marital status, or political affiliation.
  • Negative or offensive remarks based on:
    • gender expression
    • mental illness
    • socioeconomic status or background
    • neuro(a)typicality
    • physical appearance
  • Consistent or sustained disruption of meetings, talks, or discussions
  • Intentionally or repeatedly referring to people in a way that rejects the validity of their racial or gender identity
  • One-on-one communication or simulated physical contact (e.g. textual descriptions like “hug” or “backrub”) after a request to stop
  • Publication of non-harassing private communication
  • Retaliating against anyone who complains that someone has violated these guidelines.


It’s a secret

Shut up!

We respect the confidentiality of our community. As a general guide, observe the Chatham House Rule: “Participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.”

If you wish to attribute something in a public forum that was initially said in our Slack — if you wish to publish a chat transcript, for example — you must get consent from everyone who contributed to the material being attributed.

How this works in practice

Operator. I need an exit! Fast!

If something has happened to make you feel unsafe, unwelcome, or excluded, or if you observe behaviour that appears to make others feel unsafe, unwelcome, or excluded, please contact an administrator. They will help decide the appropriate course of action to resolve the problem. 

Slack admins

You’ve got a friend in me

Our community is administered by admins whose details will be published here alongside


We are greatly appreciative of the multiple sources that we drew from to build these guidelines, including: